TIL: Creating tables without primary keys CAN cause updates and deletes to fail in Postgres

A long time ago, I read in a medical book that One can learn about a system when things go wrong. So diseases are a good way to learn more about how the human body functions. That sentence stuck with me and this is about a story where someone made a mistake and learned something (someone, not me, I don’t make mistakes). It was friday afternoon (why do all tech disaster stories start on friday?...

June 7, 2024 · 8 min · Abhinav Omprakash

Understanding Bitemporal Data

What is bitemporal data? Bitemporal Data is data that has two time components associated with it. Data in the real world is immutable, bitemporal data is how we can capture this nature of data in our databases. Understanding uni-temporal data I am going to lay out some statements. The pyramid of Giza is the tallest man made structure. The Eiffel tower is the tallest man made structure. The Empire state building is the tallest man made structure....

February 14, 2022 · 14 min · Abhinav Omprakash